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Winter is not giving up easy

After summer-like heat, winter comes back with some snow...
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MARYLAND — Winter is making a comeback as we head into our Saturday as cold air and a quick passing system will bring us some snow. While it is not a tremendous amount of snow, it is a shock after almost hitting 80° just two days earlier.

Given the nature of this system, we are only expecting to see around half an inch of snow for most of the I-95 corridor with our counties to the west seeing just a few ticks more. Snow will begin to fall during the late morning hours as a low pressure system over North Carolina passes through and the northern most band pass over us to bring us some snow showers.

These showers are not going to get heavy but they will become widespread around lunchtime before the weather maker begins to slide off into the Atlantic during the later afternoon hours taking the snow showers with it.

The snow that does accumulate will not stick around for long as we begin to warm up through the rest of the weekend for a more mild finish to our Sunday.

Enjoy the snow and be safe this weekend!