

Who to call with a weather emergency in Maryland


With Hurricane Joaquin headed for the East Coast, we thought you might need a handy guide on who to call if things take a turn for the worst.

We hope you don't need the list below, and it may go without say, but if you have a dire emergency please call 911.

Who to call...

...if your power goes out: Call BGE outage line, 877-778-2222.

...if there's a gas emergency: BGE has a separate line to report a gas emergency, 800-685-0123.

Where to go online...

...if you want to know what traffic is like: Find live traffic updates here.

...if you want weather updates: Download the Storm Shield app for iPhone or Android.

...if you want to check out the radar: Find the live radar here.

...if you want to find school delays: Find school delays here.